Foundation Amsterdam

Bassculture is a non profit organization that programs parties, promotes artists, produces music and runs its own label.

Upcoming event

Friday 20/12

Music by Hermanos Tropical

Saturday 21/12

Music by DJ Maxi Mill & Lorenzo (Radical HI-FI)

What’s new

Bassculture presents
“the junction”

audiobar | culturekitchen | gallery

ssculture proudly presents the junction pop-up audiobar and culturekitchen @ OT301 Amsterdam
The Junction friday 20/12 saturday 21/12 nice in food and music feel welcome et with cocktails @ OT301 Amsterdam
The Junction friday 20/12 saturday 21/12 nice in food and music feel welcome et with cocktails @ OT301 Amsterdam
Upcoming event

Friday 20/12

Music by Hermanos Tropical

Saturday 21/12

Music by DJ Maxi Mill & Lorenzo (Radical HI-FI)

Stay informed

Bassculture events, sound system, vinyl, food & drinks. Connect for updates and flyers.